The Spook - ... enjoy this play in the ambience of the intimate space.


Inspired by a true story, this play is set in small-town Australia in 1965.  There are references to Menzies and Vietnam to give us some historical context, and meetings held for the South Bendigo branch of the Communist Party of Australia to give us a grounding in suburbian Victoria.  Apparently the Cold War fear-mongering, unfortunate friendships and betrayal which are highlighted in this play were alive and well in regional Australia in the 1960’s, and that is both interesting and disappointing.

Essentially, an unassuming young man, Martin Porter, is plucked from his ordinary life and asked by an ASIO recruiter to act as a mole within the local branch of the Communist party.  His instructions are to infiltrate the group, spy on his new ‘comrades’ and then dictate as much detail as possible into a tape recorder. 

The Spook will play at the traditional home of the Pymble Players until the 8th of June.  Book your tickets now and enjoy this play in the ambience of the intimate space.

Published 24 May 2024 by Stage Whispers