Sweet Road - Keep Moving Forward Along the Sweet Road


Come along for the ride into the Australian outback with Pymble Players’ Sweet Road. Literary award-winning playwright and scriptwriter Debra Oswald describes her play as a “road movie on stage” and directors Leah White and Rob White have successfully incorporated the stories of multiple characters to create this feel.

With the recurring theme of being on the road, six characters revolve around each other, their lives intersecting during a time when they’re moving through stressful periods. Some characters are travellers by choice, others find themselves unexpectedly in front of the wheel heading somewhere else.

The set design by Rob and Leah White was minimal, but effective in combination with the lighting and projections by Wayne Chee. With some scenes being set in country servos (petrol stations), a caravan park and on the road, the wide open spaces of the Australian highways and towns were translated onto the stage with projections. A strong part of the production that wove the story together as a quintessential Australian play was the sound design and soundscapes by Wayne Chee.

The Pymble Player’s Theatre have created an emotive play which many people will be able to relate to, from the young starry eyed teenager to the grey nomads amongst us – it’s a journey not to be missed.

Season: 7-31 September 2024
Pymble Players Theatre
55A Mona Vale Road, entrance via Bromley Ave

Published 10 August 2024 by WHATS THE SHOW