Sweet Road - ... so powerful in its effectiveness. 9 out of 10


The Pymble Players are journeying down the road on their way to the Zenith Theatre in Chatswood in 2025 and hopefully that will be a successful trip for the group.  The characters in Sweet Road however have somewhat challenging journeys that traverse city streets, unsealed country roads and a rollercoaster of uncomfortable emotions.

The set design consists of two fixed panels which not only cover cast entrances and exits but also provide screens for a variety of projections.  The front seats of cars come and go as needed.  Indeed, almost the entire play is performed in and around cars as the journeys of the characters get derailed and the individual stories start to intertwine.

Indeed, the real magic of this play is when the stories of these characters start to overlap and they find themselves at cross-roads where they may or may not get back on their original track.

Sweet Road plays at the cnr of Mona Vale Rd and Bromley Avenue, Pymble.  Book now to avoid disappointment. https://pymbleplayers.com.au/tickets

Published 23 August 2024 by Stage Whispers