Quartet: Singing Against The Dying Of The Light

Vivien Wood has come up with a very pleasing production of Ronald Harwood’s well written and crafted play. The setting to QUARTET is a nursing home for retired musicians. We meet three of the inmates – as they call themselves – who are busily discussing what they are going to perform for the upcoming Gala concert celebrating the anniversary of Verdi’s birthday. We soon find out that the trio played together in their prime and they have the CDs to prove it.
In the middle of their discussions they find out the home has received a new inmate. Cecily goes off to find out who it might. She comes back with big news. The news is that it is their old colleague, Jean. They can’t quite believe that things have got so tough for Jean – they thought that she was still a high flyer. Reggie takes the arrival of Jean badly. They were married briefly with Jean walking out on the marriage.

Click here to see the full article: https://www.sydneyartsguide.com.au/quartet-singing-against-the-dying-of-the-light/

Published: 7 Oct 2018 by Sydney Arts Guide