The Peach Season


Season: 1 May – 25 May

Tickets Available From: 27-Mar-2019

Written by: Debra Oswald

Directed by: Jennie Bazell

The Peach Season is a powerful, salutary tale showing what it’s like to be a young person desperate for independence and the pitfalls of being a parent during the painful process of letting children fly the nest. A story of first love and the love between a mother and a daughter.

A moving and suspenseful story

Performance Dates

May 1 Wednesday at - 8:00 PM
May 3 Friday at - 8:00 PM
May 4 Saturday at - 3:30 PM & 8:00 PM
May 8 Whole of Theatre Prebooked at - 8:00 PM
May 10 Friday at - 8:00 PM
May 11 Saturday at - 3:30 PM & 8:00 PM
May 15 Wednesday at - 8:00 PM
May 16 Thursday at - 8:00 PM
May 17 Friday at - 8:00 PM
May 18 Saturday at - 3:30 PM & 8:00 PM
May 23  Whole of Theatre Prebooked at - 8:00 PM 
May 24 Friday at - 8:00 PM 
May 25 Saturday at - 3:30 PM & 8:00 PM


Celia           Sarah Nicholas
Zoe Emily Buxton
Kieran Andrew Cougle
Sheena Gillian Cooper
Roza Carole Grace
Joe Andrew Stokes


Director Jennie Bazell
Stage Manager Helen Williams
Set Design Ian Ackland
Scenic Artwork Jennifer Michalski
Set Construction Ian Ackland and PP members 
Sound Design Geoff Jones
Lighting Design Graham Boswell
Lights and Sound Operation Graham Boswell and Allan Rowsell
Wardrobe Marisa Newnes
Rehearsal Prompt Tim Hunter
Publicity Melanie Brooker
Photography Allan Rowsell
Production Liaison Warren Blood
Front of House Coordinator Jill Klopfer

2019Linda Young