Building Blocks
Season: 9 Feb to 5 Mar 2022
Written by: Bob Larbey
By Arrangement with ORiGiN™ Theatrical On Behalf of Samuel French A Concord Theatricals Company.
Directed by: Rob & Leah White
Jim and Mary Baxter are in the middle of one of life’s major traumas. They are building an extension on to their house. A great deal of their time is consumed in negotiations with the builder, the charming but evasive David. By turns hilarious and touching, this well-observed comedy will bring smiles and groans of recognition to all those who have ever been involved in this situation -- and a few rueful warnings to those who have not!
Naturally, everything goes to plan, - but does it?
Bob Larbey wrote the television comedies A Fine Romance and As Time Goes By and co-wrote ‘The Good Life’ amongst others. Building Blocks was written from the heart about family traumas during a domestic building extension.
Bob Larbey nails the torture of renovating.